Wednesday 27 November 2013

Reflection of the Course

    As the course comes to a close it becomes time to reflect on the various aspects of the semester. In english 1080 I learned many different things about short fiction and poetry and how authors use different stylistic elements when writing their pieces. Some of the selections throughout the term that I really enjoyed were the spoken word poems(Dave Chapelle's poem in particular), Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown", as well as "Tyger" by William Blake. Some of the pieces that I really didn't enjoy were "Hills Like White Elephants" by Joyce Oates, and "Boys and Girls" by Alice Munro. Throughout the semester I noticed how authors used ideas of form such as theme, tone, poetic language, and rhythm(just to name a few) to help get the meaning of the piece across to readers. In the course I also found out that essays in university english are marked a lot differently than in high school. In order to do well and write a good essay much thought and planning must go into your work. I feel that being able to write a decent essay is a quality that is very valuable in life, because in the future no matter which direction we choose to go in, it is essential to be able to communicate your results/ideas with others, and an essay is a great way to do so. 

    Something that I found very helpful throughout the semester were the essay writing workshops. It gave me a general idea of how to properly format the essays and the sheets that we got in these workshops were great to refer to while doing my essay at home. The blogging component of the course also created something that was very different than what I was used to in an english course, we hadn't kept a "journal" in english since grade 4, so it was good to go back to that for a change. The blogs also were quite creative in some weeks and I enjoyed doing some of these fun tasks. They provided a good escape from the usual stressful and complicated assignments that I'm used to in other courses. I would like to conclude by saying this was a good term in english 1080, and I feel that I got lucky when it comes to the professor that I got because I thought you were very helpful throughout the course when it came to essay writing and always made yourself available to us. So thank you for a great semester sir. 


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