Friday 8 November 2013


"I hated every minute of training, but I said don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion." - Muhammad Ali

  This quote is very inspiring and motivational for me. Ali was perhaps the greatest boxer/athlete of his era, and he also overcame humongous racial boundaries at a time when African Americans were often discriminated against. This quote shows the true dedication and perseverance that Ali showed in order to become the heavyweight boxing champion. I can really relate to this quote because it sounds a lot like the university lifestyle to me, put in the hard work now and reap the benefits of it later in life. This is probably my all time favourite quote, as I have a poster hanging from my wall with this exact quote on it.

"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison

  This quote is another great one. Thomas Edison was a very well known American businessman and inventor. He was known for inventing the motion picture camera, the phonograph, and the lightbulb. The only reason that Edison even managed to come up with these groundbreaking inventions in the first place was because of his dedication, and willingness to try new things and keep trying without giving up. He showed people that with hard work and a little bit of luck you can accomplish anything you want. This is another very inspiring quote that each and every person should model their lives after.

"Be the change that you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi

  Mahatma Gandhi was the single most amazing human being to ever walk on this planet. He took the quote "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and incorporated it into a lifetime of helping others overcome their own struggles. This particular quote above is probably the most well known by Gandhi in his lifetime, it basically tells people to live everyday of your life trying to make this world a better place for those around you, and future generations of people to live in. He tells people to go out and make a difference in this world, because the world won't change itself.

It was very hard to choose three quotes to use in this project, these three are the ones that stood out most  for me, truly inspiring quotes from some very wise people to say the least.

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