Friday 4 October 2013

Poetry reflective

  Poetry is often around us everywhere, yet sometimes we don't see it. An example of this that pops out to me is advertisements. In the world of advertising the creators of these advertisements have only a few seconds to get their point across and sell their product to the viewer. This is often the case in poetry because in many poems the writers often have a short amount of time and in some cases a limited amount of lines to express how they feel and get their point across. Advertisements are often short and sweet and very to the point, writers and artists often try to advertise their product in the least amount of words they can because they realize that people don't have time to sit down and read a paragraph about their product, therefore they need to minimize the amount that they write. A good advertisement that sticks in a persons head is usually very creative and is expressed through the use of words and a visual.

  In the visual above, we see a an advertisement that is not trying to sell a product but rather to sell the idea of sustainability. It tells us to save water and we can possibly save a life, this is illustrated by the fish in the tank losing more water each time the tap is turned on. This image is very expressive of what is on the artists/authors mind, this is very similar to poetry except it is expressed through a visual accompanied by text rather than just words.

The advertisement above shows the most famous sports company in the world advertising their product.      When they use the phrase "Light like air. Stronger than steel."it catches the readers attention right away and it uses a simile to compare shoes to air. A good advertisement can often use various poetic forms in it and advertisements are around us all the time but we never associate them with poetry. This goes to show that there are many things in the world around us that can also be considered poetry even though it isn't expressed in a stanza.

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